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  • #33 🏰 Bite-sized case studies to grow your SaaS

#33 🏰 Bite-sized case studies to grow your SaaS

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Hey, It's Mariano.

Wishing you a lovely Saturday from 🏰 SaaS-HQ.com

Welcome to my newsletter. Every other week, I send:

1 to 3 bite-sized case studies to grow your SaaS

1 to 3 curated resources from top-notch experts

Let’s dive in!

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[Bite-sized case studies]

1) Turn your 404 into a call-to-action

Ever hit a "page not found" error and felt like you've fallen off the map?

Well, you can transform that moment of confusion for your users into an opportunity for creativity and include a CTA Instead of reaching a dead-end, "404 error pages" aren't just about telling you something's gone wrong; they can also offer a new direction. Cool, right?

Growth tactic By Rikvk01

2) NPS is a garbage metric

NPS asks a hypothetical question: "Would you recommend...?" This might not reflect the actual user experience. You can love a product, and even recommend it but hate individual features about it.

Use CES instead, Customer Effort Score asks about a specific event: "How easy was it to...?" This focuses on concrete interactions.

Benefits of CES:

  • Targeted feedback: You get insights into specific features, not just overall product sentiment.

  • Actionable data: You can compare CES scores across features and user segments to identify areas for improvement.

  • Clear picture: High/low CES scores reveal user sentiment towards a feature (love/hate it or indifferent).

How to use CES:

  • Ask right after a successful user interaction with a particular feature.

  • Avoid interrupting user flow.

  • Limit CES prompts (e.g., once per 30 days/user).

  • Make it optional and easy to dismiss.

Analyze CES data by user type (free vs. trial vs. customer), demographics (ICPs), and geography.

CES offers more specific and actionable user feedback compared to NPS.

Growth tactic by Leah Tharin

3) Every SaaS founder should adopt the “3 - 6 rule”:

If you're building your new SaaS but not seeing results, this is a simple rule of thumb to keep in mind:


→ If you don’t have any customer interest after 3 months, move on.

→ If you don’t have any paying customers after 6 months, move on.

What do you think?

Growth tactic by Mariano Martene

Google Ads 116 Growth Tactics

Jetmetrics.io collected various tactics to improve your Google Ads in one Notion database and segmented it by:

→ confidence in result
→ costs
→ results horizon
→ impact on sales
→ 12 actionable metrics



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Thanks for reading!

Have a great one.

— Mariano Martene